Constitution of the
The European Car Aerodynamic Research Association (ECARA) was formed in October 1998 to provide a forum for technology progress in ground vehicle aerodynamics and aeroacoustics.
The broad objective of the organization is: "To provide a forum for the interchange of ideas, techniques and solution of problems". The general area of interest includes, but is not limited to:
- Theoretical, experimental and numerical approaches in car aerodynamics and aero acoustics.
- Design, performance, economics and evaluation of automotive test facilities and measuring techniques.
- Simulation techniques relative to road conditions.
3.1. Officers
The officers shall consist of a Chairman and a Vice Chairman.
3.2. Secretary
The Recording Secretary is appointed by the Chairman.
3.3. ECARA-Award-Jury
The Jury consists of three to five persons.
3.4. Subgroups
Subgroups may be established to carry out work in certain fields of interest. Subgroups are chaired by a Subgroup Chairman.
3.5. Managing Board
The Managing Board consists of the Chairman, the Vice Chairman, the Subgroup Chairmen and the Members of the Jury.
Board Members should ideally have a position in their organization which allows them to make decisions.
3.6. Election of Officers
Officers, as well as Jury Members shall be elected every second year at the annual meeting.
Nomination of officers may be closed when one or more names have been entered for each office. Nomination of officers will be closed by a motion carried by a majority vote.
Officers shall be elected in a secret ballot by a simple majority, with each member present having one vote.
Newly elected officers shall take over their duties one month after their election.
It shall be the responsibility of outgoing officers to complete current business, including the Secretary's reporting of minutes to the membership and any other matters requiring early action, and to further advise incoming officers of all maters requiring their future attention.
3.7. Duties of Officers
- The Chairman shall:
- Prepare an agenda for and preside over the business meeting.
- Handle official correspondence, including invitation of guests and applicants.
- Appoint committees, including tenure thereof.
- The Vice Chairman shall act, as required or directed by the Chairman and replace him in his absence.
- The Recording Secretary shall keep minutes of the business and technical meetings. Minutes will be approved and distributed by the Chairman.
3.8. Duties of the Managing Board
The Managing Board - chaired by the ECARA-Chairman - shall meet jointly before the business meeting takes place and support the Chairman. The Managing Board prepares the Business Meeting by making proposals on membership (new members, termination of membership, retired members or honorary members), new Subgroups and Subgroup Chairmen and revisions of the constitution. For internal discussions and voting within the Managing Board each Board Member has one vote independently of the number of his/ her responsibilities within ECARA. All proposals of the Managing Board are subject to voting of all ECARA-Members during the business meeting.
3.9. Voting
Voting on all matters, including revisions to the Constitution, shall be based on a simple majority with each member present having one vote.
3.10. Meetings
- Regular meetings shall be held annually in Europe by voluntary invitation by one or more of the members. However, the Chairman shall have the right call additional meetings, at any time.
- The host shall draw up for each meeting a programme based on the objectives outlined in Paragraph 2 above. The programme shall provide the participants with a brief description and visit to the host's facility.
- During each regular meeting the programme shall be include a business session for the purpose of election (when due), consideration of new admissions, selections of future hosts, and any other discussion of a business nature.
- Permission of non-members to attend the meetings may be granted by the Chairman with the agreement of the host. Non-members shall be permitted to attend the meeting, but not to participate in the business session.
- The Chairman and the Subgroup Chairmen may invite experts or specialists as guest to attend a meeting to make a presentation on a specific topic.
3.11. Membership
- Membership shall be open to experts, having technical responsibilities in aerodynamics, aeroacoustics or thermal management of ground vehicles.
- They have to be invited/accepted by ECARA.
- Candidates for membership can be elected member after having actively and at least once in person participated as guests in three ECARA meetings within five years. Active participation means giving presentations on subjects of interest to ECARA as well as contributions to discussions during meetings. The candidate’s presence is expected not only at subgroup meetings but also at the main meetings.
- Voting for admission of new members shall be by secret ballot and by a simple majority, with each member present having one vote.Voting takes place according to a proposal of the Managing Board.
- A member can terminate his membership at any time by writing to the Chairman.
- Members failing to attend two consecutive annual meetings without being excused, shall forfeit their membership. They shall be informed of this by the Chairman, who shall invite them to reapply for membership.
- Honorary Membership may be awarded to persons who performed outstanding work in the field of automotive engineering or who have substantially supported ECARA's work by any other activities.
Honorary Membership as proposed by the Managing Board will be subject to voting in the same way as for ordinary members (see § 3.8 and § 3.9). Honorary Members do not have to attend annual meetings on a regular basis. - Retired members are free to attend or skip meetings. They are obligated to inform the Chairman on their retirement.
All voting and participation in office by members is recognized as the expression of an individual.
5.0 Antitrust statement
ECARA unequivocally support the policy of competition served by the competition laws in the EU and around the world, and uncompromisingly state that they intend to comply strictly with such laws. Furthermore, every member is bound by his employers antitrust policy and will act accordingly.
Moreover ECARA offers a “competition law policy and checklist” as a guideline for proper antitrust behavior.
Last Update : 10.11.2017